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plash eval


plash eval ...\n"     


Generates a build script. It prints the shell script generated from
evaluating the macros passed as args. `plash build` passes its arguments to
this script in order to get a shell script with the build instructions.

Source Code

#define USAGE "usage: plash eval ...\n"       \
  "--hint               write a hint for consumer programs\n"                  \
  "--entrypoint         hint default command for this build\n"                 \
  "--entrypoint-script  write lines to /entrypoint and hint it as default "    \
  "command\n"                                                                  \
  "--env                Use env from host when running image\n"                \
  "--env-prefix         Use all envs with given prefix when running image\n"   \
  "--eval-file          evaluate file content as expressions\n"                \
  "--eval-github        eval a file (default 'plashfile') from a github "      \
  "repo\n"                                                                     \
  "--eval-stdin         evaluate expressions read from stdin\n"                \
  "--hash-path          recursively hash files and add as cache key\n"         \
  "--import-env         import environment variables from host while "         \
  "building\n"                                                                 \
  "--invalidate-layer   invalidate the cache of the current layer\n"           \
  "--layer              hints the start of a new layer\n"                      \
  "--mount              Mount filesystem when running image (\"src:dst\" "     \
  "supported)\n"                                                               \
  "--run                directly emit shell script\n"                          \
  "--run-stdin          run commands read from stdin\n"                        \
  "--write-file         write lines to a file\n"                               \
  "--write-script       write an executable (755) file to the filesystem\n"    \
  "--from               guess from where to take the image\n"                  \
  "--from-docker        use image from local docker\n"                         \
  "--from-github        build and use a file (default 'plashfile') from a "    \
  "github repo\n"                                                              \
  "--from-id            specify the image from an image id\n"                  \
  "--from-lxc           use images from\n"          \
  "--from-map           use resolved map as image\n"                           \
  "--from-url           import image from an url\n"                            \
  "--apk                install packages with apk\n"                           \
  "--apt                install packages with apt\n"                           \
  "--dnf                install packages with dnf\n"                           \
  "--emerge             install packages with emerge\n"                        \
  "--npm                install packages with npm\n"                           \
  "--pacman             install packages with pacman\n"                        \
  "--pip                install packages with pip\n"                           \
  "--pip3               install packages with pip3\n"                          \
  "--yum                install packages with yum\n"                           \
  "--A                  alias for: --from alpine:edge --apk [ARG1 [ARG2 "      \
  "[...]]]\n"                                                                  \
  "--C                  alias for: --from centos:8 --yum [ARG1 [ARG2 "         \
  "[...]]]\n"                                                                  \
  "--D                  alias for: --from debian:sid --apt [ARG1 [ARG2 "       \
  "[...]]]\n"                                                                  \
  "--F                  alias for: --from fedora:32 --dnf [ARG1 [ARG2 "        \
  "[...]]]\n"                                                                  \
  "--G                  alias for: --from gentoo:current --emerge [ARG1 "      \
  "[ARG2 [...]]]\n"                                                            \
  "--R                  alias for: --from archlinux:current --pacman [ARG1 "   \
  "[ARG2 [...]]]\n"                                                            \
  "--U                  alias for: --from ubuntu:focal --apt [ARG1 [ARG2 "     \
  "[...]]]\n"                                                                  \
  "--f                  alias for: --from [ARG1 [ARG2 [...]]]\n"               \
  "--l                  alias for: --layer [ARG1 [ARG2 [...]]]\n"              \
  "--x                  alias for: --run [ARG1 [ARG2 [...]]]\n"

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <plash.h>

#define QUOTE_REPLACE "'\"'\"'"
#define eval_with_args(...) eval_with_args_array((char *[]){__VA_ARGS__, NULL})

static char **tokens, *arg;

char *quote(char *str) {
  size_t i, j, quotes_found = 0, quoted_counter = 0;
  for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
    if (str[i] == '\'')
  char *quoted = malloc((quotes_found * strlen(QUOTE_REPLACE) + strlen(str)) +
                        2   // for the enclousing quotes
                        + 1 // for the string terminator
  quoted[quoted_counter++] = '\'';
  for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
    if (str[i] == '\'') {
      // append the string QUOTE_REPLACE
      for (j = 0; QUOTE_REPLACE[j]; j++)
        quoted[quoted_counter++] = QUOTE_REPLACE[j];
    } else {
      quoted[quoted_counter++] = str[i];
  quoted[quoted_counter++] = '\'';
  quoted[quoted_counter++] = '\0';

  return quoted;

char *call_cached(char *subcommand, char *arg) {
  char *cache_key, *image_id;
  asprintf(&cache_key, "%s:%s", subcommand, arg) != -1 || pl_fatal("asprintf");

  for (size_t i = 0; cache_key[i]; i++) {
    if (cache_key[i] == '/')
      cache_key[i] = '%';

  image_id = pl_call("map", cache_key);
  if (strlen(image_id) == 0) {
    image_id = pl_call(subcommand, arg);
    pl_call("map", cache_key, image_id);
  return image_id;

int isarg(char *val) {
  if (val == NULL)
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  if (val[0] == '-')
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  return EXIT_FAILURE;

char *getarg_or_null() {
  if (isarg(*(tokens + 1))) {
    arg = *tokens;
    return arg;
  } else {
    return NULL;

char *getarg() {
  char *arg = getarg_or_null();
  if (!arg) {
    while ((!isarg(arg)))
      pl_fatal("missing arg for: %s", *tokens);
  return arg;

size_t countargs() {
  size_t argscount = 0;
  char **orig_tokens = tokens;
  while (getarg_or_null())
  tokens = orig_tokens;
  return argscount;

void printarg(char *fmt) { printf(fmt, quote(arg)); }

void eachline(char *fmt) {
  while (getarg_or_null())

void pkg(char *cmd_prefix) {
  if (!isarg(*(tokens + 1))) {
  printf("%s", cmd_prefix);
  while (getarg_or_null())
    printf(" %s", quote(arg));

void printhint(char *name, char *val) {
  if (val != NULL) {
    printf("### plash hint: %s=%s\n", name, val);
  } else {
    printf("### plash hint: %s\n", name);

int tokenis(char *macro) { return (strcmp(*tokens, macro) == 0); }

void eval_with_args_array(char **middel_args) {

  size_t pre_args_len = 0;
  while (middel_args[pre_args_len])

  char *args[countargs() + pre_args_len +
             2   // for the elements "plash" and "eval" (see below)
             + 1 // for the NULL terminator

  size_t index = 0;
  args[index++] = "/proc/self/exe";
  args[index++] = "eval";
  for (int j = 0; middel_args[j]; j++) {
    args[index++] = middel_args[j];
  while (getarg_or_null()) {
    args[index++] = arg;
  args[index++] = NULL;

int eval_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  // handle help flag
  if (argv[1] && (strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) == 0) {
    fputs(USAGE, stderr);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  tokens = argv;
  while (*(++tokens)) {
    arg = NULL;

    if (tokenis("--from") || tokenis("-f")) {
      int i, only_digits = 1;
      for (i = 0; arg[i]; i++) {
        if (!isdigit(arg[i]))
          only_digits = 0;
      if (only_digits) {
        pl_run("/proc/self/exe", "eval", "--from-id", arg);
      } else {
        pl_run("/proc/self/exe", "eval", "--from-lxc", arg);

    } else if (tokenis("--hint")) {
      printhint(getarg(), getarg_or_null());

    } else if (tokenis("--from-id")) {
      printhint("image", getarg());

    } else if (tokenis("--from-docker")) {
      printhint("image", call_cached("import-docker", getarg()));

    } else if (tokenis("--from-url")) {
      printhint("image", call_cached("import-url", getarg()));

    } else if (tokenis("--from-map")) {
      char *image_id = pl_call("map", getarg());
      if (image_id[0] == '\0') {
        pl_fatal("No such map: %s", arg);
      printhint("image", image_id);

    } else if (tokenis("--entrypoint-script")) {
      pl_run("/proc/self/exe", "eval", "--entrypoint", "/entrypoint");
      eval_with_args("--write-script", "/entrypoint");

    } else if (tokenis("--write-file")) {
      char *filename = getarg();
      printf("touch %s\n", quote(filename));
      while (getarg_or_null())
        printf("echo %s >> %s\n", quote(arg), quote(filename));

    } else if (tokenis("--write-script")) {
      char *script = getarg();
      eval_with_args("--write-file", arg);
      printf("chmod 755 %s\n", quote(script));

    } else if (tokenis("--eval-url")) {
          (char *[]){"curl", "--fail", "--no-progress-meter", getarg(), NULL},
          (char *[]){"/proc/self/exe", "eval-plashfile", NULL});

    } else if (tokenis("--eval-github")) {
      char *url, *user_repo_pair, *file;
      user_repo_pair = getarg();
      if (strchr(user_repo_pair, '/') == NULL)
        pl_fatal("--eval-github: user-repo-pair must include a slash (got %s)",
      if (!(file = getarg_or_null()))
        file = "plashfile";
      asprintf(&url, "",
               user_repo_pair, file) != -1 ||
      pl_pipe((char *[]){"curl", "--fail", "--no-progress-meter", url, NULL},
              (char *[]){"/proc/self/exe", "eval-plashfile", NULL});

    } else if (tokenis("--hash-path")) {
      while (getarg_or_null()) {
        printf(": hash-path ");
        pl_pipe((char *[]){"tar", "-c", arg, NULL},
                (char *[]){"sha512sum", NULL});

    } else if (tokenis("--entrypoint")) {
      printf("echo -n 'exec ' >> /.plashentrypoint\n");
      printf("chmod +x /.plashentrypoint\n");
      while (getarg_or_null()) {
        printf("echo -n %s ' ' >> /.plashentrypoint\n", quote(quote(arg)));
      printf("echo ' \"$@\"' >> /.plashentrypoint\n");

    } else if (tokenis("--env")) {
      eachline("echo %s >> /.plashenvs\n");

    } else if (tokenis("--env-prefix")) {
      eachline("echo %s >> /.plashenvsprefix\n");

    } else if (tokenis("--mount")) {
      eachline("echo %s >> /.plashmount\n");

    } else if (tokenis("--eval-file")) {
      pl_run("/proc/self/exe", "eval-plashfile", getarg());

    } else if (tokenis("--eval-stdin")) {
      pl_run("/proc/self/exe", "eval-plashfile");

    } else if (tokenis("--from-lxc")) {
      printhint("image", call_cached("import-lxc", getarg()));

    } else if (tokenis("--run-stdin")) {
      int c;
      while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)

    } else if (tokenis("--from-url")) {
      printhint("image", getarg());

    } else if (tokenis("--import-env")) {
      char *env, *export_as, *env_val;
      while (getarg_or_null()) {
        env = strtok(arg, ":");
        export_as = strtok(NULL, ":");
        if (export_as == NULL) {
          export_as = env;
        char *env_val = getenv(env);
        if (env_val != NULL) {
          // export_as is not escaped!
          printf("%s=%s\n", export_as, quote((env_val)));
    } else if (tokenis("--invalidate-layer")) {
      struct timespec tp;
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp);
      printf(": invalidate cache with %ld\n", tp.tv_nsec);
    } else if (tokenis("--layer") || tokenis("-l")) {
      printhint("layer", NULL);

    } else if (tokenis("--run") || tokenis("-x")) {
      while (getarg_or_null())
        printf("%s\n", arg);

    } else if (tokenis("--apk")) {
      pkg("apk update\napk add");

    } else if (tokenis("--apt")) {
      pkg("apt-get update\napt-get install -y");

    } else if (tokenis("--dnf")) {
      pkg("dnf install -y");

    } else if (tokenis("--emerge")) {

    } else if (tokenis("--npm")) {
      pkg("npm install -g");

    } else if (tokenis("--pacman")) {
      pkg("pacman -Sy --noconfirm");

    } else if (tokenis("--pip")) {
      pkg("pip install");

    } else if (tokenis("--pip3")) {
      pkg("pip3 install");

    } else if (tokenis("--yum")) {
      pkg("yum install -y");

    } else if (tokenis("-A")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "alpine:edge", "--apk");

    } else if (tokenis("-U")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "ubuntu:jammy", "--apt");

    } else if (tokenis("-F")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "fedora:37", "--dnf");

    } else if (tokenis("-D")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "debian:sid", "--apt");

    } else if (tokenis("-C")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "centos:9-Stream", "--yum");

    } else if (tokenis("-R")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "archlinux:current", "--pacman");

    } else if (tokenis("-G")) {
      eval_with_args("--from", "gentoo:current", "--emerge");

    } else if (tokenis("--#") || tokenis("-#")) {
      while (getarg_or_null())

    } else if (isarg(*tokens)) {
      errno = 0;
      pl_fatal("expected macro, got value: %s", *tokens);
    } else {
      errno = 0;
      pl_fatal("unknown macro: %s", *tokens);

    // Somehow because we are calling subprocesses we need this to ensure the
    //  order of lines written to stdout stays in the expected order.
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;