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plash rm


plash rm IMAGE_ID


Deletes the given image atomically. Running containers based on that image
have an undefined behaviour.

Tested Behaviour

set -xeu

• plash nodepath subcommand does not know deleted containers

newcont=$(plash build -f 1 --invalidate-layer)
plash nodepath $newcont
plash rm $newcont
(! plash nodepath $newcont)

• Specifying an unknown container errors

(! plash rm 9999999)

• Can be used together with the "b" subcommand

plash b rm -f 1 --run 'touch /plash-rm-test-file'

Source Code

#define USAGE "usage: plash rm IMAGE_ID\n"

#include <plash.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int rm_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2) {
    fputs(USAGE, stderr);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  char *nodepath = pl_call("nodepath", argv[1]);
  char *tmp = pl_call("mkdtemp");


  if (rename(nodepath, tmp) == -1)
    pl_fatal("rename %s %s", nodepath, tmp);

  execlp("rm", "rm", "-rf", tmp, NULL);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;