
Use programs from other Linux distributions


$ curl -Lf https://github.com/ihucos/zpkg/releases/download/0.2.5/zpkg.zpkg | tar -xJf - -C ~/.local

What does zpkg do?

With zpkg you can install programs from other distributions into your system
$ zpkg add gimp --from alpine --apk gimp
zpkg will install programs to your home directory.
$ readlink ~/.local/bin/gimp
You can upgrade zpkg packages. Upgrades are atomic for each package.
$ zpkg upgrade
It is possible to repackage added programs into standalone zpkg packages. These packages can be easily installed into other machines. The only system requirement is tar. Standalone zpkg packages may be managed (removed, upgraded) with zpkg.
$ zpkg package gimp /tmp/gimp.zpkg
Install package locally:
$ tar -xf /tmp/gimp.zpkg -C ~/.local

Install package globally:
$ tar -xf /tmp/gimp.zpkg -C /usr/local

What else should I know?

More examples

$ zpkg ls

$ zpkg freeze
zpkg add gimp --from alpine --apk gimp
zpkg add zpkg --from-github ihucos/zpkg

$ zpkg rm gimp

$ zpkg add --from ubuntu --apt gimp

$ zpkg --help


    zpkg [-g|-l] {add,flush,freeze,ls,package,rebuild,rm,upgrade} ...

    add [PKG] BUILD-ARGS   builds and adds a package
    flush                  flushes the build cache
    freeze                 print package with build instruction
    ls                     lists all installed packages
    package PKG FILE       creates a standalone package
    rebuild PKG            rebuild given package
    rm PKG                 uninstalls the given package
    unfreeze FREEZED-FILE  apply frozen file
    upgrade                upgrades each package atomically

    --global, -g
        affects the system globally
    --local, -l
        saves packages in cwd under ./zpkg

    --from, -f
        choose a base image
    --run, -x
        run any shell (/bin/sh) command
    --layer, -l
        adds a layer for build caching
        build according to instructions at GitHub project
    --add-apt-repository, --apt, --apk, --apt, --dnf, --emerge, --npm,
    --pacman, --pip, --pip3, --yum
        Invokes the given tool with it's primary action
    -A same as `--from alpine:edge --apk`
    -C same as `--from centos:8 --yum`
    -D same as `--from debian:sid --apt`
    -F same as `--from fedora:32 --dnf`
    -G same as `--from gentoo:current --emerge`
    -R same as `--from archlinux:current --pacman`
    -U same as `--from ubuntu:focal --apt`

    zpkg add xeyes -U x11-apps
    zpkg add -A gimp
    zpkg add -A py3-pip --pip3 yapf
    zpkg rm yapf


How stable is zpkg?


How is zpkg licensed?

zpkg and plash are under the MIT licence.

What else can I do with zpkg?

Does zpkg run on Windows/MacOS/BSD?

zpkg requires a Linux kernel. Running on another host operating system is only possible with it's eventual Linux compability mechanisms.

What applications work with zpkg?

Everything except System Programs. As an example: Bash, synaptic, apt, and gnome-tweak-tool may not work as desired. LibreOffice, Firefox, Gimp and pylint are fully supported.

Which build commands are supported?

All of plash's build commands are supported when adding packages.

What happens if a package changes files of its base image?

This would also affect other packages with the same base image. If that ever happens you need to remove the bad package (zpkg rm badpkg) and upgrade (zpkg upgrade).

How do I keep zpkg updated?

Since zpkg is packaged with zpkg, running zpkg upgrade will upgrade it.

Can I contribute?


Thank you

If you like zpkg, star it on GitHub. Help others by reporting any issue. Feel free to contact me directly for anything. Fork me on GitHub